Local veteran found and brought home

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Local veteran found and brought home

Thu, 05/23/2024 - 14:34
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An American hero and Lawson native has been found and brought home to be laid to rest. Cpl. Charles Ryan Patten served in the U. S. Army and had been reported missing in action during the Korean War. Patten was a member of Headquarters Company, 34th Infantry Regiment, 24th Infantry Division. He was reported missing in action on July 20, 1950, when U.S. troops were ordered to retreat through Tejon, South Korea, after enemy troops breached their defensive line northeast of the city. The withdrawal was hindered by roadblocks, so soldiers moved off-road and dispersed through the countryside in small groups to avoid capture. Due to the ongoing fighting, Patten’s body could not be recovered at the time. In 1953, the Department of the Army issued a presumptive finding of death for him. After regaining control of Taejon, the Army began recovering remains from the area. Unidentified remains were temporarily interred at the United Nations Military Cemetery in Taejon, and those that could not…

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