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Missouri students invited to participate in No MOre Trash! contest

JEFFERSON CITY – The Missouri Department of Transportation invites Missouri students in grades K-12 to help fight litter in Missouri – and to have creative and educational fun – by participating in the 2024 “Yes You CAN Make Missouri Litter-Free” trash-can-decorating contest. The contest is part of MoDOT’s annual “No MOre Trash!” statewide litter campaign, which is held in April.


An article published Nov. 24 cited the new license plate recognition camera system (LPR) being utilized by the Excelsior Springs Police Department. The report stated that the new LPRs would cost a total of $554,000. The new LPRs will only cost the police department $54,000. The additional funding for the new readers will also stem from a Violent Crime Prevention Grant totaling $24,000, with the entirety of the grant being provided for the use of the new LPRs within the city.

Parks and Recreation gears up for grant submissions

Discussions continue about the new Milwaukee Park design constructed off Milwaukee Street. As Parks and Recreation staff continue to work diligently, pouring 20 yards of concrete for the walking trail that will curve through a butterfly haven upon completion, Nate Williams, the director, explained discussions are still being had regarding the park equipment design.