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Small Business Saturday successful

Small Business Saturday came and went again in Excelsior Springs, as residents shop their holiday gift lists, many come to recall the importance of supporting local and small businesses. “Shopping small and local means so much to those of us who have worked hard to build a business we think our community would love,” said Sarah Kelley of D&S Guns LLC.

Clay County open house coming to Excelsior Springs

Clay County recently announced they are in the comprehensive planning process and will host a series of open house events for area residents interested in participating in the process. According to a recent press release, the comprehensive plan’s goal is to provide the community with a compelling plan to guide the decision-making for the county’s development process.


Many area residents ask about the Hwy 10 Bridge and when it will be open – Missouri Department of Transportation (MoDOT) Communications Specialist Katie Manzke of the Kansas City District said MoDOT is looking for completion towards the end of November. “All work is weather permitting, and at this time, we do not have a specific date to share but we are very hopeful that the project will be completed this month,” said Manzke.