
Republican candidate decries Deep State intransigence within own party

I am an outsider who has never run for public office before, and getting an inside look at the “political process” has been a real eye opener. Simply put, “the powers that be” have every intention of always being the power. This is the definition of the “Deep State” and the “Swamp.” The party only recruits from within, and even from within the club, only the anointed ones are considered worthy of election.
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Radio will replace newspapers, TV will replace radio, online posts will replace TV... Right?

Each form of mass communication has advantages and disadvantages. There is no secret about that. Proponents of each medium, at various times in history, have claimed accurately they are better than the others. But is any medium better in all ways? No. As a media history buff with a master of arts degree in mass communication-journalism, I can report the invention of radio did not doom newspapers, no matter how hard radio advertising staff members tried to broadcast that narrative to consumers in the early days of the once-mighty NBC Red and Blue networks. Both radio networks are defunct today. But radio continues. So do newspapers.

Putin wants USSR’s return

From its beginning in 1918, Russian Communists led by Lenin and then Stalin sought to control populations by intimidation, brutality and death. Lenin murdered 6 million people and Stalin three times as many. During Stalin’s reign from 1925 to 1953, Communism spread to Eastern Europe, China, North Korea, Vietnam and Cuba. President Reagan referred to the USSR as the “evil empire,” and President Eisenhower stated the Soviet government believed in the “force of huge armies, subversion and rule of neighboring nations.”