
I know what I know because my dad took time to teach me

Need to learn how to unclog a shower drain, jump-start a car, shave your face without bleeding to death or successfully address dozens of other practical adult daily activities? Rob Kenney offers this kind of basic “dad advice,” and millions are tuning into his YouTube channel “Dad, How Do I?” to hear it. Kenney, who promises his subscribers he’ll do “my best to provide useful, practical content to many basic tasks that everyone should know how to do,” told Buzzfeed he began making YouTube videos after his 27-year-old daughter would call him “with countless ‘adulting’ questions.” “Every day she was calling me and … I thought, ‘What do other people do when they don’t have that resource?’ ” Kenney was painfully aware of what it was like to lack a fatherly resource.

Fighting government corruption in Missouri requires teamwork

To the editor: Two years ago, I launched a renewed effort to fight fraud and abuse in government by creating the Public Corruption and Fraud Division in my office. In every corner of the state, we’ve shown that exposing wrongdoing by public officials not only helps recover tax dollars for citizens; it (also) puts others on notice that corruption will not be tolerated.